Rabu, 19 Februari 2014
Script Deface Blog
Kali ini ane mau share script deface blog, silahkan ganti sendiri ( kalo bisa jangan diganti ) hhehehehehe
HACKED By Kevin Christian
<style type="text/css"> @media print { body { display:none } } </style>
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script: morphing text
author: Gerard Ferrandez - [Ge1doot]
date: 20 September, 2008
site: http://www.dhteumeuleu.com
inspiration: http://www.pwang.com/blog/archives/2006/04/post_100.html
quote: Scott Adams, 'The Dilbert Principle'
license: CC-BY-NC - please do not remove this notice !
var mtx = function () {
/* ==== private variables & methods ==== */
var stop = false;
var frm, lineDelay, charDelay;
var colorText, colorMatch, colorGhost, elapsedTime;
var lineIndex = 0;
var lineChar = [];
var animStack = [];
var colorStack = [];
/* ==== rgb color ==== */
function colorRGB (c) {
return 'rgb('
+Math.round(Math.min(255, Math.max(0, c[0])))+','
+Math.round(Math.min(255, Math.max(0, c[1])))+','
+Math.round(Math.min(255, Math.max(0, c[2])))+')';
/* ==== Easing functions ==== */
function Ease () {}
Ease.prototype = {
ease : function () {
this.m += this.s;
this.x0 += (this.d * this.m * .0025);
if (this.m == 20) this.s = -1;
return this.x0;
init : function (x0, x1) {
this.m = 0;
this.s = 1;
this.d = x1 - x0;
this.x0 = x0;
/* ==== Load Lines ==== */
function loadLines () {
// read text from HTML form
text = document.forms.mtxform.text.value.split("\n");
// loop through all lines
for (var j = 0; j < text.length; j++) {
var t = text[j];
if (t) {
var n = t.length;
lineChar[j] = [];
// first pass: create characters capture RELATIVE offset coordinates
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
lineChar[j][i] = new Character(t.charAt(i), j);
// second pass: convert to absolute position
for (var i = 0, o; o = lineChar[j][i]; i++) {
if (o.c == "|") {
// remove spaces
lineChar[j].splice(i, 1);
} else {
// convert to absolute position and render
o.o.style.position = "absolute";
o.o.style.color = colorRGB(colorText);
// push first line in animation stack
if (j == 0) pushAnim (o, charDelay * i);
/* ==== Character Constructor ==== */
function Character (c, line) {
if (c == " ") c = "|";
this.c = c;
// create HTML element and append the the container
this.o = document.createElement("span");
this.o.innerHTML = c;
this.o.style.zIndex = 2;
// capture relative offset positions !
this.x0 = this.o.offsetLeft;
this.y0 = -this.o.offsetHeight * 1.5;
this.x1 = this.x0;
this.x2 = this.x0;
this.y1 = (line + 1) * this.o.offsetHeight;
this.y2 = frm.offsetHeight;
this.mx = new Ease();
this.my = new Ease();
this.c0 = [colorText[0], colorText[1], colorText[2]];
/* ==== Character functions ==== */
Character.prototype = {
// ---- character animation ----
anim : function (i) {
// temporization
if (this.delay > 0) {
if (elapsedTime)
this.delay -= new Date().getTime() - elapsedTime;
} else {
// moving
this.x0 = this.mx.ease();
this.y0 = this.my.ease();
if (!this.my.m && !this.mx.m) {
// remove from stack
animStack.splice(i, 1);
// remove dead characters
if (this.off) frm.removeChild(this.o);
// ----- color fading ------
color : function (i) {
this.c0[0] += this.cr[0];
this.c0[1] += this.cr[1];
this.c0[2] += this.cr[2];
this.o.style.color = colorRGB(this.c0);
if (this.ci >= this.cs)
colorStack.splice(i, 1);
// ----- HTML positioning -----
moveHTML : function () {
this.o.style.left = Math.round(this.x0) + "px";
this.o.style.top = Math.round(this.y0) + "px";
// ----- init color fading ------
colorFade : function (c1, steps) {
this.cs = steps;
this.cr = [(c1[0] - this.c0[0]) / steps, (c1[1] - this.c0[1]) / steps, (c1[2] - this.c0[2]) / steps];
if (this.cr[0] != 0 || this.cr[1] != 0 || this.cr[2] != 0){
this.ci = 0;
colorStack.push (this);
/* ==== push character in the animation stack ==== */
function pushAnim (o, delay) {
// init ease
o.mx.init(o.x0, o.x1);
o.my.init(o.y0, o.y1);
o.delay = delay;
// push stack
/* ==== next line ==== */
function nextLine () {
if (lineIndex < lineChar.length - 1) {
// display shadow text
for (var i = 0, o; o = lineChar[lineIndex][i]; i++) {
var s = o.o.cloneNode(true);
s.style.zIndex = 1;
s.style.color = colorRGB(colorGhost);
// matching next line characters
for (var i = 0, t; t = lineChar[lineIndex + 1][i]; i++) {
for (var j = 0, o; o = lineChar[lineIndex][j]; j++) {
if (o.c == t.c) {
// colors
t.colorFade(colorMatch, o.match ? 1 : 40);
t.match = true;
// swap characters
t.x0 = o.x0;
t.y0 = o.y0;
// remove redundant character
lineChar[lineIndex].splice(j, 1);
// take off redundant characters
for (var i = 0, o; o = lineChar[lineIndex][i]; i++) {
// set target position (off frame)
o.y1 = frm.offsetHeight;
o.off = true;
o.match = false;
o.colorFade (colorText, 40);
// push in animation stack
pushAnim (o, (lineDelay * .8) + charDelay * i);
// push next line in animation stack
if (lineIndex < lineChar.length) {
for (var i = 0, o; o = lineChar[lineIndex][i]; i++)
pushAnim (o, lineDelay + charDelay * i);
/* ==== main animation loop ==== */
function main() {
// characters
var n = animStack.length;
if (n) {
var i = n;
while (i--)
} else nextLine ();
// colors
var i = colorStack.length;
while (i--)
// get elapsed time and loop
elapsedTime = new Date().getTime();
setTimeout(main, 16);
/* //////////// ==== public methods ==== //////////// */
return {
/* ==== initialize script ==== */
init : function (cont, t1, t2, c1, c2, c3) {
// container
frm = document.getElementById(cont);
lineDelay = t1;
charDelay = t2;
colorText = c1;
colorMatch = c2;
colorGhost = c3;
changeText : function () {
document.getElementById("show").className = "";
document.getElementById("inputext").className = "hidden";
lineChar = [];
animStack = [];
colorStack = [];
frm.innerHTML = "";
lineIndex = 0;
elapsedTime = 0;
show : function () {
document.getElementById("show").className = "hidden";
document.getElementById("inputext").className = "";
/* ==== init text ==== */
onload = function () {
// mtx.init( el, linesDelay, charsDelay, cText, cMatch, cGhost);
mtx.init("frm", 1500, 150, [255,255,255], [255,64,0], [44,44,44]);
<body oncontextmenu='return false;' onkeydown='return false;' onmousedown='return false;'>
<div id="frm"></div>
<form id="mtxform" name="mtxform">
<span id="inputext" class="hidden">
<textarea rows="5" cols="20" id="text" name="text">
Message :
Hey Admin...,
I'm Kevin Christian
Your Website Has Been Hacked By Kevin Christian...
Contact Me : Facebook : Kevin Christian | Twitter : @kevin281200
Please Patch Your Site
Thank's to :
From :Kevin Christian
To : Admin this Site
Selasa, 18 Februari 2014
Cara Mengambil ( Menghack ) Bandwith/ Kecepatan Wifi
Sedot Bandwith Wifi
Ok gan sekarang Kecepatannya Meningkat drastis, ok gan kalo udah bisa like FP ane ya, Disini
Selasa, 11 Februari 2014
Cheat Ninja Saga 1 Hit kill dengan cheat engine
Kali Ini Ane nge-post cheat Ninja Saga 1 Hitt kill.
Ok gk usah basa-basi ini tutornya gan
1. Masuk NS
2. Masuk hunting boss dan attack bos yang diinginkan
3. Setelah masuk,biarkan si boss menyerang kita dulu(kita dodge aja)
4. Buka CE terus pilih 8 bytes
5. Masukkan jumlah darah si boss Berikut data darah:
* Ginkotsu:7293
* Yanki:12760
* Sesho:27950
* Tengu fire:15819
* Tengu wind: 12052
* Byakko:75816
* Ape king:90720
* Turtle:132800
Tutor :
1. First scan,cari yang addres sama dengan value yang dimasukkan tadi trs disebelahnya double klik
2. Lalu coba attack si boss
3. Langsung ganti value si boss dgn 0
4. Attack si boss dan mati
Cheat Ninja Saga Gold
oke gan. Sekarang ane mau kasih tau cara ngecheat Ninja saga gold
siapkan alat tempurnya dulu gan :
-cheat engine
-restu ama ortu ( akakakak gk usah ini gan )
ok gan ini caranya :
- Buka cheat engine ( kalo gk buka kagak bisa akakakakak )
- procces ke browser yg agan pake
- selesaikan dulu daily tasknya ( jangan di claim dulu )
- buka cheat engine, valuenya ganti jadi 4 byte
- tulis jumlah koin agan semua, terus teken first scan
- klik 2x address yg muncul
- klik address 2 kali ( yg dibawah ) terus ganti xxxxx78 menjadi xxxxxAC
- lalu ganti valuenya menjadi 75000
- lalu msuk kage room
- lalu centang di cheat engine enable speed hack1.0 menjadi 500.0 ( kalo pake speddy gpp tapi kalo pake modem gk usah dijalanin langkah ini )
- lalu claim daily tasknya
- lalu kamu dapet 16 juta koin
- selesai
ok gan sekarang cheatnya udah ane post ok sekarang tinggal agan coba sendiri ok
( butuh cheat lain comment )
Download Cheat Long line 8 Ball Pool
hehehe..... sekarang ane baru bisa post. Kali ini ane gk ngepost film tapi ngepost cheat akakakakak.( ini cuman buat yg baru bisa maen kalo udh bisa gk usah ngecheat akakakakak, tapi terserah juga akakakkak )
ok gk usah basa-basi ni cheatnya gan silakan download
Download Here
kalo mau cheat yang lain comment gan.
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